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What details should I consider about my apartment before signing the lease?
Last Updated: 2021-01-09 09:31:48    Hits: 7336

Although your ideal apartment might make you want to move in tomorrow, you still need to check some details to ensure a comfortable stay. Does the heating/air-conditioning system work properly? Do walls or floors crack? Does the hot water works in the whole apt.? Don’t be afraid to raise these issues within reason. This being said, it is important that these matters are handled delicately so as to avoid making the negotiations confrontational. Often times, a conflict at this stage will put the landlords off entirely. It is best to draw up any reasonable requests and ask your property consultant to work on them. It is important to know if your landlord is reasonable and responsive to any legitimate concerns. Although price may be a big factor in your housing decision, you should consider that a willing landlord can make your stay more pleasant. Nice & easygoing owner is surely important. 

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